As soon as I walked up to the bar and discreetly took the above picture with my phone, this old guy at the bar kept staring at me for the full amount of time it took for my husband and I to order, get served, and pay. Which leads me to:
I find that some people here in England have a serious staring problem. Are they not taught as children that it's rude to stare? I don't get it. I'm not a big, loud, draws-a-lot-of-attention-to-myself stereotypical American either, not that that would justify it. Does my snapping a quick pic with my phone really justify that level of staring/rudeness? I usually respond to the stares by screwing my face into a scowl and muttering "can I help you?" under my breath. My husband says that my reaction is snobby, but I don't care. I don't like being stared at. /tangent
Anyhoo, the Monkey Wrench was enjoyable and the pub was spacious with lots of light. I don't know if I'll be back anytime soon, but maybe the next time I'm in Epsom I'll stop by.